Saturday, September 24, 2005

Temple of Propaganda-Powerful Propaganda Institute Being Planned

If anyone doubts that Canada has become a cesspool of socialist multiculturalism, just read this....

Canada is one of the biggest pushers for the globalization of humanity. Not just economically, but culturally...

200 million taxpayer dollars down another liberal socialist toilet


The Temple of Propaganda

Canada’s one-world priests leading the world into the ideological abyss – quietly

‘Izzy’ Asper, when expounding on his dream for the Museum For Human Rights lamented “We Canadians have a tendency to aim for the middle, not the top, not for the stars.”

But this statement isn’t true. Although Canadians on the whole seem to be increasingly unimpassioned, certain wealthy and powerful Canadians, the high-priests of the new-world religion, have stepped into influential roles and are leading the world in a most unobtrusive, deceptive—and effective—manner. For years they have been carefully guiding the fate of the world using their favorite vehicle—the United Nations.

The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the activist judges who have used it as a platform to ‘discover’ or create never before imagined ‘rights’, are merely the Canadian branch in this experimental new world-wide movement, which with the quiet unobtrusiveness of a creeping vine consumes and crushes the walls of tradition and the rock foundation of Judeo-Christian principles on which Canada, and so many other nations, were built.

Few realize that Canada is one of the most influential forces at the UN, pushing hard and skillfully for a one-world order dominated by leftist liberal ideologies. Canada has done considerable work in paving the way for global eco-extremism, ‘sexual rights’ and ‘reproductive rights’ (read: homosexual ‘marriage’, abortion, forced sterilization, contraception). Ask any of those who’ve lobbied in the UN on the behalf of family and life issues who it is they often spend the most of their time fighting – Canada.

And few, if any, have been more influential in pushing the one-world, ideological agenda than Canada’s own Maurice Strong. Strong, coincidentally enough, is one of the members of the advisory board for the Museum For Human Rights.

Maurice Strong is a notoriously soft spoken, deceptively Canadian businessman. He has served as senior adviser to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, as well as the president of the World Bank, and has more awards and honorary degrees to his name than it is worth the time to recount; most have been for his extensive work in environmentalism. A mere handful of his many, many powerful connections include communications magnate Ted Turner, Mikhail Gorbachev, Al Gore, Pierre Trudeau, Jean Chretien, and current prime minister Paul Martin, and he is especially tied into the powerful web of influence of Canadian businessman Paul Desmarais. But that’s a story for a different article. A few of Strong’s many nicknames include the ‘godfather of globalism’, and ‘custodian of the planet’. In 1990 the Globe and Mail, with unusual insight, reported that on his 160,000 acre Colorado ranch he is “laying the groundwork for what amounts to a new world order.”

That 160,000 acre ranch once called by Strong’s wife the “Valley of the Refuge of World Truths” (now renamed “The Place of the Heart”) is a gargantuan new-age colony. It is a haven of religious and moral relativism. It brings together representatives of the world’s ‘traditional’ religions in the hope of fusing them together and creating a new world religion which is heralded by a return to the pagan earth spirituality of native Indians. Indeed, it isn’t at all surprising that a huge portion of the Museum For Human Rights will celebrate the supposed original innocence of the natives and lament their supposed subsequent corruption and destruction by white, male Europeans. The odds are minimal that it will mention the horrors of the frequent tribal warfare and violent practices which often appear throughout native history.

As Oscar Wilde would say to a friend at the height of his dissolution: “While we wait for a new religion of light, let Olympus serve as a shelter and refuge. We must let our instincts laugh and frolic in the sun like a troop of laughing children.” Paganism is in vogue.

Maurice Strong is only one such member of the list of advisers and donors, albeit one of the most noteworthy. The list reads like a who’s who of liberal ideologues—extreme feminists and environmentalists and homosexual-rights activists. It includes such groups as Egale Canada, Equal Marriage for Same-Sex Couples, Canadian Human Rights Commission, The Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations and the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF). They are the priests and the priestesses that are quietly leading the world into the abyss of new age, one world, relativistic paganism.

Conclusion – The Temple of Propaganda

So far, it is unlikely that there will be much public criticism of the $300 million Human Rights Museum. Even Conservatives with the insight to see through the farce probably and sadly won’t have the courage to point out the emperor’s nakedness; instead they will gush enthusiastically about the mad project.

The left has long waged a war of words, a war of propaganda, and they have won almost every battle. They have usurped and made a monster of the word ‘tolerance’, they have raped the word ‘gay’, and they have beheaded the term ‘human rights’. To speak out against the museum is to risk being labeled ‘intolerant’, to risk finding your face in the Museum’s planned Hall of Shame which documents past violations of human rights. There you will annually be mocked and jeered at by hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren as a ‘bigot’ and an ‘extremist’.

To speak out against the museum might be to risk being in the shoes of Bishop Henry of Calgary who faces an expensive and exacting trial in the hands of a Human Rights Commission for simply laying out the teachings of the Catholic faith on homosexuality. To speak out is to risk being prosecuted and persecuted, like Chris Kempling, the British Columbia teacher whose teaching license was suspended for writing letters to the editor in defense of marriage. And then there is Scott Brockie, the Christian printer who refused to print letterhead for the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives whose battle with the Human Rights Commission left him doubled under the weight of a $5,000 fine and $40,000 in legal costs. The list goes on. The human rights of these persecuted Canadians of principle are anathema in the new temple.

Will there be a section devoted to China’s notorious forced one child policy, and its violent forced aborting of women and infanticides, of which so many of those on the board of the museum are supportive of?

Don’t count on it.

What are the chances that violations against human rights committed by Human Rights Commissions will be granted an exhibit in the Museum?

None at all.

The completion of the Museum For Human Rights will be the coup de grĂ¢ce, the last button on the sash of liberal propaganda. After all, how did the Liberal federal government finally justify committing $100 million to building the museum? According to Martin Knelman of the National post, the realization that they could use the museum as a “training centre where police officers, military personnel and government employees will be sent for courses and seminars designed to make them more knowledgeable and sensitive to issues of cultural diversity, racial bigotry and the human rights of Canadian citizens under the Charter of Rights.”

God save us from the hands of these ideologically brainwashed individuals who are meant to protect us.

With the completion of the Museum Canada will finally have the means to create a bureaucracy passionately dedicated, and a police and military force fully equipped, to defend the new state ideology. The full coercive power of the state will stand vigilantly against detractors against the new order. And with such passionate and powerful protectors, who would dare speak out against it? Who would dare risk a place in the Museum For Human Right’s Hall of Shame?

I can think of a few who would. And they had better speak up now – about the museum, about the Charter, judicial activism, institutional corruption and so much more that is genuinely threatening to usurp our freedom.

Nothing about the Museum project is yet final. It is still thankfully almost $100 million short of its goal. And the museum website states that construction will not begin until full funding is put in place. Perhaps full funding will never be found. Perhaps Canadians will start vociferously objecting to this obscene waste of multi-millions.

Let us make it clear to our government and our fellow countrymen that the Museum for Human Rights is, at best, little more than a dangerous throwaway of $300 million.

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