Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Can A Completely Secular Society Survive?

Liberalism would prefer that we throw God out of society. Secular "Christians" would argue that Christ did away with the law. But they do not know God and don't understand just what happened when Christ died and rose. Yes, He did away with the law. Religious Law. But His moral law is still in effect. He laid it on mans heart and He poured His Spirit upon the world to convict us of sin.
Secularist believe that man made the law, and has a right to change it as man sees fit to suit man.

Lets look at some points about a completely secular society with man made laws and principles.

In the beginning there was only one law, and man broke it. So then law had to be created to show man right from wrong.

If it was not for the law, there would be no wrong.

When you tell your child , don't touch, what does he do? He touches. And in essence he has sinned against you. But if you had not said do not touch, he would not have sinned because he would not have known.

No different than man in general. But man did not make the law.

Thou shalt not murder.

Thou shalt not steal.

Thou shalt not commit adultery. (Which is not illegal now) was laid down so man would not hurt others.
But if you take the path of just making it simple and say treat others how you would be treated, then this should be illegal. After all, it hurts, and you don't want to be treated that way, unless you don't care. It stirs something in you, and the law does not stir that, Gods spirit poured out on you does. It is a moral law that is written on mans heart, through the Spirit of God. You can't change it, unless you are immoral, which really just means the opposite of moral.

Treating others how you would be treated is scriptural, so if you take God out , you have to take that out of society also, and you could do anything to anyone, which we see more and more in society anyway..

One hundred years ago, society was based on Gods law, and immoral behaviour was dealt with, because man defended the principle of treating others as you would be treated.

All the laws of the bible have to be taken out if you want a secular society, because they came from there. These laws have been around for 6000 years.They are basic moral principles, which include Christian "Law"

And if you are going to say we don't need God involved in our law , or society then all these moral principles have to be removed. They have to be , because they came from God in the first place.

Before this was laid down as an absolute, there was no theft or murder. It was a "free" society.

Liberalism would do away with those morals.

Man did not just grab these laws out of the air. They came from somewhere. Moses didn't just dream them up.

Same as "Eat freely, just do not eat from that one tree" That was the only law in the beginning. But we could not even keep that one.

The Law was set down to bring sin into the open. If there had been no law there would not be sin.

So in a secular society you must go back to before any law was laid out, but we can't go back to paradise no matter how much we would like to.

And the law will not make you moral, it will only tell you the difference between right and wrong, but as we sink deeper into liberalism , we have created a society that is throwing a lot of this out, so we see a society that is falling more and more into bad behaviour. And is more and more confused.

This is why Jesus came, to show us that the law won't save us. The law won't give us a happy life. The law won't give you peace. Because man can't keep the law.

He said, Love God first, and love others. Pretty simple, but we mix it all up with religion, but if we follow Gods moral code that He laid out , then we have a life that is at peace, and we won't kill, we won't steal. We won't commit adultery.

But we can not follow God's moral code unless we follow Jesus, and surrender our lives to Him as our leader, our guide, our strength.

But if we throw God out of society then we have to throw out Love God first and Love others.....

How close has our society come to that?

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