Wednesday, September 21, 2005



(Calgary) The Concerned Christian Coalition Inc., (CCC) held it’s national convention in Calgary, Alberta on Saturday, April 17, 2004. At the national convention dinner the Gay Militia stormed the meeting with sticks, angry chants and verbally assaulted the delegates at hand. The dinner was being held in support of Rev. Stephen Boissoin who is currently being dragged before the Alberta Human Rights Commission for defending the Biblical view of homosexuality. Half of all profits were donated to Rev. Stephen Boissoin and fundraising will continue in order to help offset his legal costs. Further, information on Rev. Stephen Boissoin can be found at

"I was dumbfounded at the fact that the Gay Militia would storm into a private meeting where we were praying and discussing Bill C-250 a bill that will affect our freedom as Christians to discuss certain beliefs. Just as our guest speaker Rev. Tristan Emmanuel was discussing how Bill C-250 is about silencing our freedom of speech and freedom of assembly the Gay Militia stormed the meeting and proved the point," stated Jim Blake, CCC Business Chair.

The CCC feels that all groups have a right to freedom of speech, freedom of religion and the freedom to assemble and protect their deep held personal and moral beliefs. "We are very concerned about the Christophobia and the growing hatred towards Christians in Canada. We are also very concerned that the media continually ignores the blatantly bigoted actions of the militant minority in this country. Can you imagine if our organization stormed a Homosexual gathering? It would be on the front page of every paper in the country and the headlines would not be flattering towards us," continued Blake.

The Calgary City Police arrived at the event just moments after the Gay Militia was cleared out by hotel security. The Calgary Police Service seized all the videotapes but one and some video footage has been placed on the internet at and on the CCC website of The Calgary Police Service has assured the CCC that charges will be laid against members of the Gay Militia when they are found. The CCC has cited 3 sections of the Criminal Code that have been breached by the Gay Militia. Those sections are as follows:

175-1 A i Causing A Disturbance - every person who not being in a dwelling house causes a disturbance in or near a public place by fighting, screaming, shouting, swearing, singing or using insulting or obscene language.

176 2 Disturbing a Religious Worship - everyone who willfully disturbs or interrupts and assemblage of persons met for religious worship or for a moral, social or benevolent purpose is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

265 1 B Assault - A person commits an assault when he attempts or threatens by an act or a gesture to apply force to another person if he has or causes that other person to believe on reasonable grounds that he has present ability to affect his purpose.

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