Saturday, August 20, 2005

Liberalism, Killing Canada

I am very concerned with the direction that the Liberal party of Canada has taken this country in the last 40 years since Trudeaumania.
We have become a nanny state, which has thrown God and Christianity out the window in order to follow the selfish wants of Liberalism.
Liberalism has turned Canada into a nation with very little military might compared to what we used to be.
The Liberal Party and the Liberal Government are corrupt, comparable to corrupt African or Eastern European Governments of the recent past.

We have accepted "gay" marriage in Canada as a normal natural relationship.
It is an ungodly, filthy lifestyle that causes sickness and disease, and destroys the family that God Himself created in the beginning.

In order to retain power, Paul Martin made a bedroom deal with the socialist Jack Layton and the NDP to garner support. The Liberals Supported the NDP 4.5 billion dollar add-on budget, which eliminated all of the tax cuts that were in the original Liberal budget. This ensured that Bill C38 would get to a vote this summer, and passed because the Liberal cabinet ministers were whipped and forced to vote for it under the fear of losing political position. The whole NDP caucus were forced to vote for it. On member did not. The separatist Bloc voted for it ensuring victory for "gay" marriage, and continued Prime Ministership of Paul Martin...aka Mr Dithers. The few Liberals who abstained or voted against the "gay" marriage were too little too late, because the original Liberal budget was a tie, that was broken by the speaker of the house. All that was needed was 1 Liberal to vote against the original budget, and we would have had an election, rather than "gay" marriage.

The Liberal party under the command of Pierre Trudeau, Jean Chretien and now Paul Martin are thieves and liars.

We are being taxed to death to support huge socialist type programs such as a medical system that has long waiting lists, people dying waiting for treatment.
We have a 2 billion dollar and climbing gun registry that was originally pegged at 2 million tops, by former Minister Alan Rock, that is completely useless. It turns innocent farmers and Canadians into common criminals and has absolutely no effect on crime. Canada is soft on crime , as we have seen by the recent revealing of Linda Shaws killer, who was released from prison on good behaviour after committing 2 murders.

The Liberals are the criminals, with billions being lost or stolen from taxpayers, with no remorse or responibility.....

Now the federal government wants to create a national babysitting program. The claim is that parents will be able to have affordable babysiting while working.
Due to the high rate of taxes in Canada, what with federal income tax, provincial income tax, GST, PST, payroll taxes, fuel taxes, business taxes, fees, licences etc etc, families can not afford any more to have a one parent working household, and need 2 incomes just to make ends meet. The babysitting program will increase taxes even more. Plus it will create more income tax on the child care workers, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but the cost, and the cost overruns will only serve to create more taxes being removed from your paycheques...

We are importing Muslims into the country by the thousands and finding out now that we have been importing terrorists. We have been supporting many with a monthly cheque. With these people have come Islam, a religion of hatred for western society, especially Americans. Islam is on a mission to convert to Islam or murder anyone Jewish or perceived as Christian.

The Canadian Government sends millions to Robert Mugabe, in the name of helping the poor, but which buys Mugabe more Mercedes Benz and military weapons to kill his own people. Especially white farmers. We also send a billion a year to China to help their poor, even though they have one of the strongest economies in the world, and also a military that could, if not does, rival that of our friends in the USA.

The Liberals have continually badmouthed and caused poor relations with the United States, calling them bastards and showing complete arrogance toward them. Carolyn Parrish even went as far as stomping a George W Bush doll on national television.

Jean Chretiens government refused to support the war in Iraq, and embarrassed the country when we sent our own troops into harms way without adequate equipment. The Chretien government purchased 4 leaking retired submarines from Great Britain, one of which has caught fire at sea and killed 1 soldier. Our sea king helicopters are wore out. We have few planes left.

The recent appointment of the new Governor General Michaelle Jean, is nothing more than a political patronage award to another CBC reporter, and Liberalism faithful....
A Haitian Immigrant, with dual citizenship with France. A husband who is a separatist, and a friend of separatists, including the FLQ murderers.

The Liberal party has to go. They have ruled Canada long enough. They have turned Canada into a Godless nation, and destruction will surely follow....

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