This is the kind of ridiculous rulings we can expect to see more of in days to come.The abortion crowd and the "gay" activists will do whatever they think it will take to shut those up who might speak out and disagree with their philosophies. Liberals in Canada support and endorse this kind of thinking.
A lower court ruling in Brazil has ruled that a Catholic priest must pay a fine for using the word "pro-abortion" to describe anthropologist Debora Diniz Rodrigues, a renowned defender of abortion.
The Catholic News Agency (CNA) reports that last week judges in Brasilia ordered Father Luiz Carlos Lodi da Cruz, president of the Pro-life Association of Anapolis, to pay a fine of $3,000 for damages against Diniz, the director of the Institute on Bioethics, Human Rights and Gender.
The court also ordered Rev. Lodi to refrain from using the word "pro-abortion" to describe those who support abortion. CNA notes that upon hearing the sentence, the Brazilian priest wondered aloud "what adjective should be used then to describe someone who defends abortion, since certainly one who defends divorce is not offended by being called pro-divorce nor is a supporter of Communism by being called a communist."
"The judges failed to indicate which word in our language is acceptable, and has the same meaning but is non-offensive, for describing someone who openly defends abortion," Father Lodi said.
An appeal of the ruling was stuck down leaving only an appeal to the Supreme Court.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Friday, August 26, 2005
Should Christians Have Rights
The article below was written based on the US Constitution, but could very well apply to Canada. The Liberals have continually stifled Christians. The courts have stifled Christians. Canada is NOT a Christian nation, even though we were founded on Christian principles. We have become a nation of "anything goes" the sicker the better. Take "gay" marriage for instance. It is an abomination in God's eyes. It is a lifestyle that promotes sickness and disease. It undermines the family that God Himself created. Churches such as the United Church of Canada have taken the approach that to love is to accept all things for the sake of not offending. But let me ask this....If your child ran out on the road, would you "offend" them but encouraging it? Or would you do everything in your power to stop it, and teach them the right way? The United Church has forsaken God and is walking down a thorny path. In Revelation God makes it clear what will happen when a church organization does this.."I will spew you from My mouth"
This article is right on the money
Should Christians Have Rights?
by Mark Sutherland
"If Chritians are supposed to turn the other cheek and lay down their lives for others, isn't it wrong and selfish to claim we have rights?"
I was asked this interesting question recently about Christians and their rights. On the surface the question sounds sincere. But in my experience, it has been people who would like Christians to stay in the church and stay out of society who ask this. The whole basis of their argument is flawed, and we must see this question for what it is: a tool to confuse us.
Let us start with the basic question, "What are rights?" The 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language defines rights as having "conformity to the will of God or to His Law." it goes further to describe rights as being "a priveledge." So what does this mean? To fully understand our rights as Christians here in America we must look in two places. We must first look to God's Word to see which rights we have been granted by Him, since rights are a priveledge given to us by God. And then we must look at the founding documents of our nation to see what rights are recognized, protected and exercisable under our system of government.
In the interest of space, below is a partial list of rights given to man within God's Word.
Equality (Matthew 5:45; Galatians 3:28; James 2:1-7; Leviticus 24:22)
Life (Genesis 9:6; Exodus 20:13; Psalm 139:13;)
Marriage (Genesis 2:24)
Freedom (Psalm 119:45; Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18)
Freedom of Worship (Matthew 22:21)
Education (Deuteronomy 6:7; 11:19)
Reputation(Exodus 20:16)
Rest ( Exodus 20:8-11)
And the list continues. The simple fact is that God has given His creation certain rights.
So how does this fit into America? Secular humanists will deride and challenge you the moment you claim that any of these biblical rights should be part of our society. They would more than likely exclaim that by trying to exercise your "Christian rights" you are imposing your religion on the rest of society. To answer this challenge, we should look to our founding documents and see what they say about rights and what America's position should be on our God-given ones.
The Declaration of Independence, the document upon which our Constitution and every other law in America is built, states;
"...that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."
The foundational document of our nation declares that are created by God, that God gives us rights, and that government is set up to protect those God-given rights. The Declaration of Independence states that the very freedoms and rights given to us within the Word of God are the very freedoms and rights that must be protected by our government.
Why should we have a right to marriage between a man and a woman only? Because it is established in Genesis 2:24, and our founding documents declare that our government is set up to protect that God-given right. Why do we have a right to worship as we see fit? Because in Matthew 22:21, Jesus tells us that we are to give to government that which is government's and to God that which is God's. A side note on Matthew 22:21: Many people misread "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's" interpreting it to mean, "these matters over here are God's, and these matters over here are the government's." But they fail to see the rest of the scripture where it makes it clear that God is Sovereign over all creation, including Caesar. Therefore, everything that belongs to Caesar also belongs to God.
So returning to the question asked at the beginning, "If Christians are supposed to turn the other cheek and lay down their lives for others, isn't it wrong and selfish for us, as Christians, to claim we have rights?" What should our answer be? I think the clearest answer to this is found in John 15:13 NIV, which declares, Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. We have the power to lay down our God-given rights when we choose. But it is when we choose, not when others choose. That is the big difference. We can turn the other cheek when we choose. We can lay down our lives for others when we choose. And we can exercise our rights when we choose.
Our Founders walked in this. As they went through years of diplomacy with King George in England, the Founders repeatedly turned the other cheek in the hope that a reasonable outcome would be reached. However, when the king rendered the charters that established the colonies null and void, and violated the rights granted to all mankind by God, the Founders exercised their God-given rights by declaring their rights and walking in them.
Today, our court system continually violates our God-given rights by declaring that marriage is no longer between a man and woman, that we have the freedom to kill our unborn children and that we cannot acknowledge God as sovereign over our nation with a Ten Commandments display. Like our Founders, we have continually turned the other cheek.
My question for you is this: When a government oversteps its authority and begins to destroy the very rights it was formed to protect, what do we do? I contend that we do what our Founders did at the time of the American Revolution. As the Declaration of Independence declares, "whenever any form of government becomes destructive of [and neglects the protection of our God-given rights], it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it...." How can we do this? By standing up and demand that our elected officials protect us! We need to stand and demand that our government does what it was created to do...protect our God-given rights.
Mark Sutherland is the Public Relations Director for Joyce Meyer Ministries. Mark has a God-given passion to inspire people across the US to take America's destiny into their own hands. His work as a political and Constitutional analyst has allowed him to work alongside many Godly men and women who serve our nation. Mark resides in St Louis Missouri with his wife and two children.
This article is right on the money
Should Christians Have Rights?
by Mark Sutherland
"If Chritians are supposed to turn the other cheek and lay down their lives for others, isn't it wrong and selfish to claim we have rights?"
I was asked this interesting question recently about Christians and their rights. On the surface the question sounds sincere. But in my experience, it has been people who would like Christians to stay in the church and stay out of society who ask this. The whole basis of their argument is flawed, and we must see this question for what it is: a tool to confuse us.
Let us start with the basic question, "What are rights?" The 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language defines rights as having "conformity to the will of God or to His Law." it goes further to describe rights as being "a priveledge." So what does this mean? To fully understand our rights as Christians here in America we must look in two places. We must first look to God's Word to see which rights we have been granted by Him, since rights are a priveledge given to us by God. And then we must look at the founding documents of our nation to see what rights are recognized, protected and exercisable under our system of government.
In the interest of space, below is a partial list of rights given to man within God's Word.
Equality (Matthew 5:45; Galatians 3:28; James 2:1-7; Leviticus 24:22)
Life (Genesis 9:6; Exodus 20:13; Psalm 139:13;)
Marriage (Genesis 2:24)
Freedom (Psalm 119:45; Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18)
Freedom of Worship (Matthew 22:21)
Education (Deuteronomy 6:7; 11:19)
Reputation(Exodus 20:16)
Rest ( Exodus 20:8-11)
And the list continues. The simple fact is that God has given His creation certain rights.
So how does this fit into America? Secular humanists will deride and challenge you the moment you claim that any of these biblical rights should be part of our society. They would more than likely exclaim that by trying to exercise your "Christian rights" you are imposing your religion on the rest of society. To answer this challenge, we should look to our founding documents and see what they say about rights and what America's position should be on our God-given ones.
The Declaration of Independence, the document upon which our Constitution and every other law in America is built, states;
"...that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."
The foundational document of our nation declares that are created by God, that God gives us rights, and that government is set up to protect those God-given rights. The Declaration of Independence states that the very freedoms and rights given to us within the Word of God are the very freedoms and rights that must be protected by our government.
Why should we have a right to marriage between a man and a woman only? Because it is established in Genesis 2:24, and our founding documents declare that our government is set up to protect that God-given right. Why do we have a right to worship as we see fit? Because in Matthew 22:21, Jesus tells us that we are to give to government that which is government's and to God that which is God's. A side note on Matthew 22:21: Many people misread "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's" interpreting it to mean, "these matters over here are God's, and these matters over here are the government's." But they fail to see the rest of the scripture where it makes it clear that God is Sovereign over all creation, including Caesar. Therefore, everything that belongs to Caesar also belongs to God.
So returning to the question asked at the beginning, "If Christians are supposed to turn the other cheek and lay down their lives for others, isn't it wrong and selfish for us, as Christians, to claim we have rights?" What should our answer be? I think the clearest answer to this is found in John 15:13 NIV, which declares, Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. We have the power to lay down our God-given rights when we choose. But it is when we choose, not when others choose. That is the big difference. We can turn the other cheek when we choose. We can lay down our lives for others when we choose. And we can exercise our rights when we choose.
Our Founders walked in this. As they went through years of diplomacy with King George in England, the Founders repeatedly turned the other cheek in the hope that a reasonable outcome would be reached. However, when the king rendered the charters that established the colonies null and void, and violated the rights granted to all mankind by God, the Founders exercised their God-given rights by declaring their rights and walking in them.
Today, our court system continually violates our God-given rights by declaring that marriage is no longer between a man and woman, that we have the freedom to kill our unborn children and that we cannot acknowledge God as sovereign over our nation with a Ten Commandments display. Like our Founders, we have continually turned the other cheek.
My question for you is this: When a government oversteps its authority and begins to destroy the very rights it was formed to protect, what do we do? I contend that we do what our Founders did at the time of the American Revolution. As the Declaration of Independence declares, "whenever any form of government becomes destructive of [and neglects the protection of our God-given rights], it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it...." How can we do this? By standing up and demand that our elected officials protect us! We need to stand and demand that our government does what it was created to do...protect our God-given rights.
Mark Sutherland is the Public Relations Director for Joyce Meyer Ministries. Mark has a God-given passion to inspire people across the US to take America's destiny into their own hands. His work as a political and Constitutional analyst has allowed him to work alongside many Godly men and women who serve our nation. Mark resides in St Louis Missouri with his wife and two children.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Scientist punished for Intelligent Design Article
Scientist punished for Intelligent Design article, federal probe confirms
Aug. 19 ( - A federal government investigator has confirmed that a scientist suffered harassment at the Smithsonian Institution because he agreed to publish an essay on Intelligent Design in a scientific journal that he edited.
Dr. Richard Sternberg, the editor of the Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, reported that he was subjected to verbal abuse by other senior scientists at the prestigious federal research institution immediately after the appearance of the journal article.
Although the essay had been approved for publication after peer review by other qualified scientists, the Smithsonian staff violently objected to the appearance of an article that questioned the theories of Darwinian evolution, Steinberg said. He reports that colleagues questioned his competence and honesty, and circulated false rumors about his own scholarly work.
"They were saying I accepted money under the table, that I was a crypto-priest, that I was a sleeper cell operative for the creationists," Steinberg told the Washington Post. The Post today reported that the US Office of Special Counsel has confirmed Steinberg's complaints. The campaign against Steinberg was clearly a response to the Intelligent Design article, wrote James McVay for the Office of Special Counsel. He said that the "retaliation came in many forms," including "misinformation that was disseminated through the Smithsonian Institution and to outside sources."
Aug. 19 ( - A federal government investigator has confirmed that a scientist suffered harassment at the Smithsonian Institution because he agreed to publish an essay on Intelligent Design in a scientific journal that he edited.
Dr. Richard Sternberg, the editor of the Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, reported that he was subjected to verbal abuse by other senior scientists at the prestigious federal research institution immediately after the appearance of the journal article.
Although the essay had been approved for publication after peer review by other qualified scientists, the Smithsonian staff violently objected to the appearance of an article that questioned the theories of Darwinian evolution, Steinberg said. He reports that colleagues questioned his competence and honesty, and circulated false rumors about his own scholarly work.
"They were saying I accepted money under the table, that I was a crypto-priest, that I was a sleeper cell operative for the creationists," Steinberg told the Washington Post. The Post today reported that the US Office of Special Counsel has confirmed Steinberg's complaints. The campaign against Steinberg was clearly a response to the Intelligent Design article, wrote James McVay for the Office of Special Counsel. He said that the "retaliation came in many forms," including "misinformation that was disseminated through the Smithsonian Institution and to outside sources."
Gun-control folly
August 19, 2005, 8:17 a.m.
Canada Blames Us
Gun-control folly here, up north, across the pond...
By John R. Lott Jr.
If you have a problem, it's often easier to blame someone else rather than deal with it. And with Canada's murder rate rising 12 percent last year and a recent rash of murders by gangs in Toronto and other cities, it's understandable that Canadian politicians want a scapegoat. That at least was the strategy Canada's premiers took when they met last Thursday with the new U.S. ambassador to Canada, David Wilkins, and spent much of their time blaming their crime problems on guns smuggled in from the United States.
Of course, there is a minor problem with the attacks on the U.S. Canadians really don't know what the facts are, and the reason is simple: Despite billions of dollars spent on the Canada's gun-registration program and the program's inability to solve crime, the government does not how many crime-guns were seized in Canada, let alone where those guns came from. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police reported in late July that they "cannot know if [the guns] were traceable or where they might have been traced." Thus, even if smuggled guns were an important problem, the Canadian government doesn't know if it is worse now than in the past.
Even in Toronto, which keeps loose track of these numbers, Paul Culver, a senior Toronto Crown Attorney, claims that guns from the U.S. are a "small part" of the problem.
There is another more serious difficulty: You don't have to live next to the United States to see how hard it is to stop criminals from getting guns. The easy part is getting law-abiding citizens to disarm; the hard part is getting the guns from criminals. Drug gangs that are firing guns in places like Toronto seem to have little trouble getting the drugs that they sell and it should not be surprising that they can get the weapons they need as well.
The experiences in the U.K. and Australia, two island nations whose borders are much easier to monitor, should also give Canadian gun controllers some pause. The British government banned handguns in 1997 but recently reported that gun crime in England and Wales nearly doubled in the four years from 1998-99 to 2002-03.
Crime was not supposed to rise after handguns were banned. Yet, since 1996 the serious-violent-crime rate has soared by 69 percent; robbery is up 45 percent, and murders up 54 percent. Before the law, armed robberies had fallen 50 percent from 1993 to 1997, but as soon as handguns were banned the robbery rate shot back up, almost to its 1993 level.
The 2000 International Crime Victimization Survey, the last survey completed, shows the violent-crime rate in England and Wales was twice the rate of that in the U.S. When the new survey for 2004 comes out later this year, that gap will undoubtedly have widened even further as crimes reported to British police have since soared by 35 percent, while those in the U.S. have declined 6 percent.
Australia has also seen its violent-crime rates soar immediately after its 1996 Port Arthur gun-control measures. Violent crime rates averaged 32-percent higher in the six years after the law was passed (from 1997 to 2002) than they did in 1995. The same comparisons for armed-robbery rates showed increases of 74 percent.
During the 1990s, just as Britain and Australia were more severely regulating guns, the U.S. was greatly liberalizing individuals' abilities to carry firearms. Thirty seven of the fifty states now have so-called right-to-carry laws that let law-abiding adults carry concealed handguns after passing a criminal background check and paying a fee. Only half the states require some training, usually around three to five hours. Yet crime has fallen even faster in these states than the national average. Overall, the states in the U.S. that have experienced the fastest growth rates in gun ownership during the 1990s have experienced the biggest drops in murders and other violent crimes.
Many things affect crime: The rise of drug-gang violence in Canada and Britain is an important part of the story, just as it has long been important in explaining the U.S.'s rates. (Few Canadians appreciate that 70 percent of American murders take place in just 3.5 percent of our counties, and that a large percentage of those are drug-gang related.) Just as these gangs can smuggle drugs into the country, they can smuggle in weapons to defend their turf.
With Canada's reported violent-crime rate of 963 per 100,000 in 2003, a rate about twice the U.S.'s (which is 475), Canada's politicians are understandably nervous.
While it is always easier to blame another for your problems, the solution to crime is often homegrown.
— John Lott, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, is the author of More Guns, Less Crime (University of Chicago Press, 2000) and The Bias Against Guns" (Regnery 2003).
Canada Blames Us
Gun-control folly here, up north, across the pond...
By John R. Lott Jr.
If you have a problem, it's often easier to blame someone else rather than deal with it. And with Canada's murder rate rising 12 percent last year and a recent rash of murders by gangs in Toronto and other cities, it's understandable that Canadian politicians want a scapegoat. That at least was the strategy Canada's premiers took when they met last Thursday with the new U.S. ambassador to Canada, David Wilkins, and spent much of their time blaming their crime problems on guns smuggled in from the United States.
Of course, there is a minor problem with the attacks on the U.S. Canadians really don't know what the facts are, and the reason is simple: Despite billions of dollars spent on the Canada's gun-registration program and the program's inability to solve crime, the government does not how many crime-guns were seized in Canada, let alone where those guns came from. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police reported in late July that they "cannot know if [the guns] were traceable or where they might have been traced." Thus, even if smuggled guns were an important problem, the Canadian government doesn't know if it is worse now than in the past.
Even in Toronto, which keeps loose track of these numbers, Paul Culver, a senior Toronto Crown Attorney, claims that guns from the U.S. are a "small part" of the problem.
There is another more serious difficulty: You don't have to live next to the United States to see how hard it is to stop criminals from getting guns. The easy part is getting law-abiding citizens to disarm; the hard part is getting the guns from criminals. Drug gangs that are firing guns in places like Toronto seem to have little trouble getting the drugs that they sell and it should not be surprising that they can get the weapons they need as well.
The experiences in the U.K. and Australia, two island nations whose borders are much easier to monitor, should also give Canadian gun controllers some pause. The British government banned handguns in 1997 but recently reported that gun crime in England and Wales nearly doubled in the four years from 1998-99 to 2002-03.
Crime was not supposed to rise after handguns were banned. Yet, since 1996 the serious-violent-crime rate has soared by 69 percent; robbery is up 45 percent, and murders up 54 percent. Before the law, armed robberies had fallen 50 percent from 1993 to 1997, but as soon as handguns were banned the robbery rate shot back up, almost to its 1993 level.
The 2000 International Crime Victimization Survey, the last survey completed, shows the violent-crime rate in England and Wales was twice the rate of that in the U.S. When the new survey for 2004 comes out later this year, that gap will undoubtedly have widened even further as crimes reported to British police have since soared by 35 percent, while those in the U.S. have declined 6 percent.
Australia has also seen its violent-crime rates soar immediately after its 1996 Port Arthur gun-control measures. Violent crime rates averaged 32-percent higher in the six years after the law was passed (from 1997 to 2002) than they did in 1995. The same comparisons for armed-robbery rates showed increases of 74 percent.
During the 1990s, just as Britain and Australia were more severely regulating guns, the U.S. was greatly liberalizing individuals' abilities to carry firearms. Thirty seven of the fifty states now have so-called right-to-carry laws that let law-abiding adults carry concealed handguns after passing a criminal background check and paying a fee. Only half the states require some training, usually around three to five hours. Yet crime has fallen even faster in these states than the national average. Overall, the states in the U.S. that have experienced the fastest growth rates in gun ownership during the 1990s have experienced the biggest drops in murders and other violent crimes.
Many things affect crime: The rise of drug-gang violence in Canada and Britain is an important part of the story, just as it has long been important in explaining the U.S.'s rates. (Few Canadians appreciate that 70 percent of American murders take place in just 3.5 percent of our counties, and that a large percentage of those are drug-gang related.) Just as these gangs can smuggle drugs into the country, they can smuggle in weapons to defend their turf.
With Canada's reported violent-crime rate of 963 per 100,000 in 2003, a rate about twice the U.S.'s (which is 475), Canada's politicians are understandably nervous.
While it is always easier to blame another for your problems, the solution to crime is often homegrown.
— John Lott, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, is the author of More Guns, Less Crime (University of Chicago Press, 2000) and The Bias Against Guns" (Regnery 2003).
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Liberalism, Killing Canada
I am very concerned with the direction that the Liberal party of Canada has taken this country in the last 40 years since Trudeaumania.
We have become a nanny state, which has thrown God and Christianity out the window in order to follow the selfish wants of Liberalism.
Liberalism has turned Canada into a nation with very little military might compared to what we used to be.
The Liberal Party and the Liberal Government are corrupt, comparable to corrupt African or Eastern European Governments of the recent past.
We have accepted "gay" marriage in Canada as a normal natural relationship.
It is an ungodly, filthy lifestyle that causes sickness and disease, and destroys the family that God Himself created in the beginning.
In order to retain power, Paul Martin made a bedroom deal with the socialist Jack Layton and the NDP to garner support. The Liberals Supported the NDP 4.5 billion dollar add-on budget, which eliminated all of the tax cuts that were in the original Liberal budget. This ensured that Bill C38 would get to a vote this summer, and passed because the Liberal cabinet ministers were whipped and forced to vote for it under the fear of losing political position. The whole NDP caucus were forced to vote for it. On member did not. The separatist Bloc voted for it ensuring victory for "gay" marriage, and continued Prime Ministership of Paul Martin...aka Mr Dithers. The few Liberals who abstained or voted against the "gay" marriage were too little too late, because the original Liberal budget was a tie, that was broken by the speaker of the house. All that was needed was 1 Liberal to vote against the original budget, and we would have had an election, rather than "gay" marriage.
The Liberal party under the command of Pierre Trudeau, Jean Chretien and now Paul Martin are thieves and liars.
We are being taxed to death to support huge socialist type programs such as a medical system that has long waiting lists, people dying waiting for treatment.
We have a 2 billion dollar and climbing gun registry that was originally pegged at 2 million tops, by former Minister Alan Rock, that is completely useless. It turns innocent farmers and Canadians into common criminals and has absolutely no effect on crime. Canada is soft on crime , as we have seen by the recent revealing of Linda Shaws killer, who was released from prison on good behaviour after committing 2 murders.
The Liberals are the criminals, with billions being lost or stolen from taxpayers, with no remorse or responibility.....
Now the federal government wants to create a national babysitting program. The claim is that parents will be able to have affordable babysiting while working.
Due to the high rate of taxes in Canada, what with federal income tax, provincial income tax, GST, PST, payroll taxes, fuel taxes, business taxes, fees, licences etc etc, families can not afford any more to have a one parent working household, and need 2 incomes just to make ends meet. The babysitting program will increase taxes even more. Plus it will create more income tax on the child care workers, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but the cost, and the cost overruns will only serve to create more taxes being removed from your paycheques...
We are importing Muslims into the country by the thousands and finding out now that we have been importing terrorists. We have been supporting many with a monthly cheque. With these people have come Islam, a religion of hatred for western society, especially Americans. Islam is on a mission to convert to Islam or murder anyone Jewish or perceived as Christian.
The Canadian Government sends millions to Robert Mugabe, in the name of helping the poor, but which buys Mugabe more Mercedes Benz and military weapons to kill his own people. Especially white farmers. We also send a billion a year to China to help their poor, even though they have one of the strongest economies in the world, and also a military that could, if not does, rival that of our friends in the USA.
The Liberals have continually badmouthed and caused poor relations with the United States, calling them bastards and showing complete arrogance toward them. Carolyn Parrish even went as far as stomping a George W Bush doll on national television.
Jean Chretiens government refused to support the war in Iraq, and embarrassed the country when we sent our own troops into harms way without adequate equipment. The Chretien government purchased 4 leaking retired submarines from Great Britain, one of which has caught fire at sea and killed 1 soldier. Our sea king helicopters are wore out. We have few planes left.
The recent appointment of the new Governor General Michaelle Jean, is nothing more than a political patronage award to another CBC reporter, and Liberalism faithful....
A Haitian Immigrant, with dual citizenship with France. A husband who is a separatist, and a friend of separatists, including the FLQ murderers.
The Liberal party has to go. They have ruled Canada long enough. They have turned Canada into a Godless nation, and destruction will surely follow....
We have become a nanny state, which has thrown God and Christianity out the window in order to follow the selfish wants of Liberalism.
Liberalism has turned Canada into a nation with very little military might compared to what we used to be.
The Liberal Party and the Liberal Government are corrupt, comparable to corrupt African or Eastern European Governments of the recent past.
We have accepted "gay" marriage in Canada as a normal natural relationship.
It is an ungodly, filthy lifestyle that causes sickness and disease, and destroys the family that God Himself created in the beginning.
In order to retain power, Paul Martin made a bedroom deal with the socialist Jack Layton and the NDP to garner support. The Liberals Supported the NDP 4.5 billion dollar add-on budget, which eliminated all of the tax cuts that were in the original Liberal budget. This ensured that Bill C38 would get to a vote this summer, and passed because the Liberal cabinet ministers were whipped and forced to vote for it under the fear of losing political position. The whole NDP caucus were forced to vote for it. On member did not. The separatist Bloc voted for it ensuring victory for "gay" marriage, and continued Prime Ministership of Paul Martin...aka Mr Dithers. The few Liberals who abstained or voted against the "gay" marriage were too little too late, because the original Liberal budget was a tie, that was broken by the speaker of the house. All that was needed was 1 Liberal to vote against the original budget, and we would have had an election, rather than "gay" marriage.
The Liberal party under the command of Pierre Trudeau, Jean Chretien and now Paul Martin are thieves and liars.
We are being taxed to death to support huge socialist type programs such as a medical system that has long waiting lists, people dying waiting for treatment.
We have a 2 billion dollar and climbing gun registry that was originally pegged at 2 million tops, by former Minister Alan Rock, that is completely useless. It turns innocent farmers and Canadians into common criminals and has absolutely no effect on crime. Canada is soft on crime , as we have seen by the recent revealing of Linda Shaws killer, who was released from prison on good behaviour after committing 2 murders.
The Liberals are the criminals, with billions being lost or stolen from taxpayers, with no remorse or responibility.....
Now the federal government wants to create a national babysitting program. The claim is that parents will be able to have affordable babysiting while working.
Due to the high rate of taxes in Canada, what with federal income tax, provincial income tax, GST, PST, payroll taxes, fuel taxes, business taxes, fees, licences etc etc, families can not afford any more to have a one parent working household, and need 2 incomes just to make ends meet. The babysitting program will increase taxes even more. Plus it will create more income tax on the child care workers, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but the cost, and the cost overruns will only serve to create more taxes being removed from your paycheques...
We are importing Muslims into the country by the thousands and finding out now that we have been importing terrorists. We have been supporting many with a monthly cheque. With these people have come Islam, a religion of hatred for western society, especially Americans. Islam is on a mission to convert to Islam or murder anyone Jewish or perceived as Christian.
The Canadian Government sends millions to Robert Mugabe, in the name of helping the poor, but which buys Mugabe more Mercedes Benz and military weapons to kill his own people. Especially white farmers. We also send a billion a year to China to help their poor, even though they have one of the strongest economies in the world, and also a military that could, if not does, rival that of our friends in the USA.
The Liberals have continually badmouthed and caused poor relations with the United States, calling them bastards and showing complete arrogance toward them. Carolyn Parrish even went as far as stomping a George W Bush doll on national television.
Jean Chretiens government refused to support the war in Iraq, and embarrassed the country when we sent our own troops into harms way without adequate equipment. The Chretien government purchased 4 leaking retired submarines from Great Britain, one of which has caught fire at sea and killed 1 soldier. Our sea king helicopters are wore out. We have few planes left.
The recent appointment of the new Governor General Michaelle Jean, is nothing more than a political patronage award to another CBC reporter, and Liberalism faithful....
A Haitian Immigrant, with dual citizenship with France. A husband who is a separatist, and a friend of separatists, including the FLQ murderers.
The Liberal party has to go. They have ruled Canada long enough. They have turned Canada into a Godless nation, and destruction will surely follow....
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